
Cars maintenance in the idle period

Some owners may be because of some special reason, to make their car "idle" time. However, the car can not idle idlers. Long-term suspended vehicles, because of erosion by the air leaving the assembly and organization of the PRESARIO V2000 laptop battery technical condition gradually deteriorated, resulting in the loss of their technical performance. To mitigate such adverse effects, the owner should always suspended in the vehicle for the necessary maintenance work to make it in a good performance status.
1, to prevent metal rusting
Corrosion is mainly water in the air, oxygen and corrosive substances caused by the joint action. Therefore, the long-term suspended for a car, should be kept clean metal surfaces. Parking garage should be kept within the ventilation, the air relative humidity under 70%. The need for timely removal THINKPAD R31 laptop battery vehicle dust, dirt and moisture. Corrosion-prone mechanical parts and surfaces should be coated with oil, grease, or dressing up with oiled paper. For the assembly of the pore on the body should be sealed to prevent air, moisture and dust into the interior.
2, to prevent the aging deterioration of rubber products
Automotive rubber products, such as tires, belts, and Presario CQ60 laptop battery dust cover, etc., often in aging, expansion, or to shape behavior, resulting in performance deterioration, life is short.
Rubber, like aging, mainly due to the rubber polymer are unsaturated hydrocarbons, easily absorb the oxygen in the air oxidation of vulcanized rubber while there is a certain air permeability, oxygen from the easy access to internal oxidation. Especially direct sunlight, can cause rapid aging of rubber. Rubber products are gasoline, oil stains, it will lead to volume expansion, glial loose, flexible down. To prevent the aging of rubber products, VGP-BPS5 laptop battery should avoid direct sunlight and exposure to mineral oil.
3, to prevent the cotton and linen products, rotten and carpets, are easy to absorb moisture. Especially in wet areas and rainy season, more damp mildew. Therefore, car owners should always check cotton products, timely drying, keep dry.
4, to prevent performance degradation of gasoline antiknock
Gasoline octane number of Inspiron 1501 laptop battery gasoline antiknock performance depends on the level. Long-term suspended cars, gasoline octane components will be as the light loss and decreased colloid content increases, making it antiknock decreases. Therefore, the fuel tank to be tightly closed, and avoid overheating. Gasoline storage, preferably not too long.
5, always check the engine's working condition
At least once a month starting the engine, idle 4 ~ 5min, check the functioning of the engine. If abnormal, the need for timely adjustment, repair.
Also, always check the battery. Battery electrolyte level must be higher than the plate 10 ~ 15mm, should be enough time to add distilled water, should be kept fully charged, when necessary, should the LATITUDE D800 laptop battery.