
Maintenance of GFM lead-acid battery

Battery powered system is indispensable equipment, fixed-type valve-regulated (GFM) for lead-acid batteries with no water, no overflow acid, acid fog has been very little room so widely used. Battery life is certain, if not understand the electrical characteristics of the battery, usually pay no attention to maintenance, it will lead to capacity loss and premature failure, once the Sony VGP-BPS9/S battery capacity decline and reach a predetermined discharge time, we can not guarantee the transmission of television programs and even cause major accidents, we must understand the performance of the battery, and can properly use and maintain.
In order to maintain the capacity of lead-acid battery GFM and extend its life, we experience summed up according to the following maintenance methods:
(1) to maintain proper spacing. Oxygen recombination process inside the battery generates more heat, but emit less gas, reducing heat loss, the internal battery temperature is usually high, so the battery should be placed in well-ventilated place, not too closely arranged, between the individual cells should be at least 10 mm spacing.
(2) maintain the appropriate temperature. Temperature, chemical reactions speed up, lead and acid to enhance the interaction, prone to sulfation, reduced service life; temperature is too low, thick sulfuric acid, e-free slow, poor electrode active, the Sony VGP-BPS5 battery capacity decline. 10 ~ 30 ℃ temperature is more appropriate, according to the actual situation can use various means to adjust the temperature.
(3) to keep clean. Weekly wipe the dust on the battery and the rack to keep the battery clean. The accumulation of too much dust, make bad battery connection point, change the battery charge and discharge voltage, prone to failure. Remember when the battery clean dry cloth or brush to use, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner.
(4) inspected once a day. Day time look at the battery, a slightly acidic News smell in the air whether, if slightly acidic odor, is discharged battery acid mist, ventilation should be timely processing; the second depends on whether the deformation of the shape of the battery, CANON BP-522 battery terminals and valve with or without exudate, normally open valve can, if necessary, to replace the battery.
(5) Weekly test voltage. Single-cell battery float voltage is 2.25 V, not less than 2.16 V. Voltage selection is too low, individual battery charge due to insufficient long-term passivation and void float voltage is too high, the gas overflow increased, gas recombination efficiency is low. Batteries are charging voltage is 2.35 V, should not exceed 2.40 V, the charging voltage is too high will cause the charge current is too large, the heat will make the electrolyte temperature, the temperature drop will cause the battery internal resistance, internal stop the decline and increase the charge current, so the cycle will make the battery deformation and cracking. Note: When testing the battery voltage value, the battery must be measured on the two end points, if the other at the test, will have a voltage drop, the test results are not very accurate.
(6) monthly measurement of single Acer travelmate 6000 battery voltage. More likely to use the number of batteries in series the presence of voltage imbalance, voltage is easy to produce long-term imbalances behind the battery, behind the battery if charging is not complete, the discharge in the future will further increase in the depth of discharge, after the charge even further behind. In this way, the more charge and discharge times, the more prominent uneven, resulting in behind the battery is dead. So every single month should be measured battery voltage value of less than 2.2 V battery to conduct an "equalizing charge" to make it back to the fully charged state, in order to avoid the failure of the individual behind the battery.
(7) half-yearly charge and discharge, this has two advantages:
① the capacity of the battery can be tested to assess the capacity of the battery;
② can remove sulfate. Discharge in two ways, one is the direct discharge load (higher load used), which cut off the external power supply, Dell XPS M1210 battery powered directly release the full capacity of 70%; the other is false load discharge
(Using small loads), dummy load using a variable resistor in parallel to the ends of battery, external power supply cut off by the battery-powered, with a small discharge at the beginning of the current, gradually increase the current, do not discharge immediately after unloading under the false load, should wait for full battery and then removed to avoid the high current batteries are charged when the danger of arcing.
(8) Do not discharge when the voltage is lower than the termination voltage. Battery discharge to the termination voltage, the voltage would drop dramatically if we continue to discharge the electricity received little meaningful, but will reduce IBM Thinkpad r30 Battery life, so the voltage drop through the discharge termination voltage to the discharge should be stopped . Different discharge rates, the termination voltage is different, the discharge rate of large lead sulphate generated less, even if the discharge to a very low voltage, the plate will not be damaged, single-cell battery can be discharged to 1.75 V; discharge rate is small significantly increased the amount of lead sulfate, and the active material expansion will cause stress, resulting in bending or plate active material shedding, affecting the battery life, so they requested the termination to take a higher voltage, usually in the 1.80 ~ 1.85 V.
(9) Do not over-discharge. GFM lead-acid batteries used in the cycle, its life depends on depth of discharge. Deeper depth of discharge, PbO2 particles between the combination of more relaxation, ease off, cycle life will be shortened. In 50% depth of discharge, to access the generator for ACER Aspire 7520 Adapter power supply, battery capacity to be restored after the power supply.
(10) Do not mix old and new batteries as much as possible, because in the process of charging the new battery voltage to rise rapidly, likely to cause the old battery charge is not full, always under-voltage condition, this impact battery life.
(11) idle time charging the battery every quarter, because of long idle negative battery will form a thick, difficult to accept the charge of PbSO4 crystals, this phenomenon is known as irreversible sulfate, can cause premature battery failure.
Battery life is generally about 8 years since we stick with the maintenance methods, the company purchased in 1994 by the battery capacity test, is still within the Acer Aspire 5720 adapter design capacity, you can continue to use.

